Η εταιρία

Opus-Materia Ltd. was founded in 1997, venturing in the fields of the Pharmaceutical market and Biomedical Technologies. Its activities are focused in the development and distribution of high quality pharmaceutical products, nutritional services for oncology patients, eHealth solutions and special dietary products.
The founders and associates of Opus-Materia work together in harmony, both having a common Vision and Mission.
Our Vision
We are committed to our Vision for the improvement of people’s health, prolongation of survival and improvement of health related quality of life.
Our Mission is to offer qualitative products and services in the fields of biomedical technology with reassurance of equivalent access of all and lower possible cost.
We envision a company with responsibility, with products and services of high quality that would be recognized by our collaborators, health professionals and mainly the patients that use our products.
We wish to be a company with high moral, ethical and normative standards, that provide the optimum labor environment in which our workers they are developed as professionals and as persons-citizens.
We are working on becoming a company that would constitute a factual example and a model not only for the commercial enterprise and the enterprising deontology but also for the impact of our work on the society in which we belong and which we serve as responsible social partner.
The epicentre of aim and our objectives remains always the Human.
The patient
The relatives and the caregivers of patients
The health professionals
Our collaborators
The society.
We consider ourselves as Collaborators with all the groups of our society and we work continuously for the growth of collaborations that will promote our Vision and our Mission.
We wish to constitute essential part of the Community and our Society and we energetically participate in various actions via the Program of Corporate Social Responsibility.
We always work according to our Corporate Values and Policies and we try to be among the leading companies of drug and biotechnology industry branch contributing to the growth of Greek Society and National Economy

Our Values
Quality constitutes the cornerstone of every activity, process, service and product of our company. We, continuously, try to improve the quality of our products and services focusing on the needs of patients, their relatives and caregivers, health professionals, our collaborators and the community.
Respect towards our fellow human being
We develop and we promote a corporate culture where the premier position is the respect to all our fellows. The reciprocal respect constitutes priority in our interior and exterior environment (patients, relatives of patients, health professionals, colleagues, collaborators, community) without exclusions and discriminations.
Collaboration and Solidarity
The team work and the synergy constitute our priorities. We seek for the contribution and the participation of everyone who is concerned in our decisions, processes and activities. We promote the communication and the equivalent dialog and we are all equivalent responsible for the accomplishment of our common decisions and the achievement of our common objectives.
Integrity and Responsibility
We program, we plan and function with the higher moral and ethical standards, with integrity and responsibility for our products and services for the benefit of patients, their relatives, health professionals, our collaborators and the society.
Social Behavior
We constitute, as company but also as individuals, inextricable part of our society. We undertake, with consistency and reliability, our role and responsibility for the social growth. We plan and program our activities with methodology and our objective is the positive impact of all our operations on our collaborators and the society. We respect the human dignity, the nature and the environment. We support and are supported by the society of citizens. We function with absolute transparency and modern corporate governing. We consider that the bigger profit is what results for the society.
High Performance and Leading Attitude
The continuous improvement of our effectiveness and efficiency constitutes one among our most important objectives. We work for the establishment of highest qualitative, moral and ethical standards, the application of the National and European legislation, the respect in our fellows. Our corporate culture, our efforts for the improvement of the society, the growth of Greek Society and the National Economy render us as responsible social partners. We act in order to inspire our values and to transmit our corporate culture in all the social teams with which we collaborate.
Our partners constitute the base as well as the driving force for the achievement of our Vision and Mission.
We provide a safe, comfortable, healthy labor environment in which we strengthen the communication, the equivalent dialog, the creativity, the innovation in which we are all responsible for the realization of our common decisions and the achievement of our common objectives.
We commit ourselves in our moral and ethical Values and focus on the professional growth of our colleagues with continuous educational programs for the acquisition of knowledge, capabilities and dexterities.
We are committed to the personal and familial growth of our colleagues via corresponding programs and actions.
Our success constitutes the creation of our collective effort and it is achieved with the most excellent collaboration, the common operations and actions that are based on our common Values and on our common Vision.

We practice our Values. We believe that our Mission is not limited in the narrow limits of our company, in our colleagues, in our collaborators, in the health professionals and in the patients but is also extended in the society in which we belong.
We encourage, we support and we participate actively in Programs and Activities that concern the nature and the environment, the society and the national economy.
We attend so all our activities minimize the environmental impacts and the circle of life of our products. We make reasonable use of natural resources.
Health Professionals
We support and grant abundance of programs and activities (congresses, meetings, publications, etc) that are organized by scientific organizations of health professionals. We support a number of clinics, hospitals and institutions that deal with research, diagnosis and treatment.
Patients, Relatives and Caregivers
We support and grant abundance of programs and activities (congresses, meetings, publications etc) that they are organized by Associations of Patients or other Governmental and Non Governmental Organizations concerning Health Promotion and Prevention. We, also, support and grant Programs of Treatment and Rehabilitation, as well as Programs of Support of Patients and Caregivers.
We attend to be a reliable and responsible corporate citizen. We support and we grant Programs for Support and Integration of Disabled and Social Excluded Groups. We contribute in the growth of our society, in which we belong, and as well the national economy.
T.: 210 9423677 info@opusmateria.gr